The ASF is one of the best-kept secrets going around Australian Community Sport.
86% of sporting clubs have no plan, and 65% don’t have a budget (CLUBMAP). These statistics show that if community clubs around Australia keep using the same methods, we do not have a lot to look forward to when it comes to the future of grassroots sports.

Most clubs generate revenue the same way: Canteen/Bar sales, Sponsorships, Fundraisers, and small grants. The ASF highlights that there are many easier ways to raise funds for your club.
The key way for clubs to raise more money is to move their revenue streams online.
The ASF has raised $604 Million to community clubs in their 37 years of existence. 10,000+ athletes and clubs have benefited from the ASF, and they are also Australia's leading sports fundraiser. It is free to sign up, and donations are also tax deductible.

95% of donated funds go directly to your club, while 5% is kept by the ASF.
A great example of what the ASF can provide is the Hunter Hill Rugby Club in Sydney. They were looking to raise funds for a new Pavilion. The club had to work with the Cricket and Netball Club and present a united front to gain council approval for the project to be undertaken. The results from the club setting up a fundraiser on the ASF site were $336,000 made in donations through the ASF and over $900,000 of the $1.5m required raised towards the project.
Getting started with the ASF is a very simple process. Visit and you can either sign up as an individual or a club for free. Once you have signed up, you have access to many fundraising resources.

Use great images and videos to reinforce what you’re saying and get attention. Identify potential donors in your community and ASK them. Focus on the impact, what will happen if you’re successful?
Donors are more likely to give when they think their donation will make a difference, so really try and sell to them what their money will be put to use for.
The CLUBMAP weekly webinars go in-depth about how your club can change its methods in order to ensure long-term stability. Tune into their weekly webinars on Mondays at 7pm (EST) to get all the information you need on how to make your club successful!
SIGN UP TO THE ASF TODAY: Home - Australian Sports Foundation (